Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Reflection Memory How we Memorialise things

Things that could relate to memorializing.

 Notes,                                                  Sketches,
   Photos,                                                         Videos,                                     Audio recording,

Locations can be immortalized as a reminder of good times.

Carving names onto tree “This is something that is associated with couples”.

Reminiscing over fond memories, lamenting the past, though the concept is simple there is potential for dramatic themes to be conveyed.

Refelction Memory Forgetting things

Another way of portraying memory would be its absence, of a character has trouble remembering things.

Evident with the elderly, senile dementia, alzheimer's victims, car accident victims with head injuries suffer either short term memory loss or permanent amnesia.

This has potential for tragic drama to be portrayed in film.

Reflection Memory Choices and refelcting on them

There are various ways of portraying memory, characters make decisions, enacting them, later on they reflect back on the good choices they've made but also regretting the mistakes and learning to avoid repeating them.

It could begin with the naivety of youth, their innocence leaves them vulnerable to the danger of the world and the inevitable exposure to the evils of the worlds, the devastation in discovering the truth about it.

And years later they feel old, tired the weariness of eternity baring down on them, they've lived a life time and have so many stories of their past to reflect on.

Reflection Memories Possible Ideas 1

For our course in Reflection I am assigned to research and present my proposal of a film centered on the theme of Memory.

There are a wide range of example of how we memorialize people and events.

There are many moments in our lifetime that we hold dear and do no wish to forget, however we all also have bad memories that we’d rather forget about entirely.

Possible ideas I considered

One idea I thought of would have focused on the relationship of friends, I felt it was appropriate since its something we all can identify with, the good times spending together, the bad times when having a fall out, and how overall they can impact your out look on life.

The outline goes as follows: A guy is at a party with his friends. A fiery blaze burns down the house and all who are trapped inside. The guy wanders the charred remains of the house looking heart broken that all his friends and the memories are lost.

Reflection Memory Scars

For my upcoming reflection project I've considered using scars as the focus of as every scar has a story to tell.

On one website I found an artist who's holding up an exhibition relating to scars.

Last week was a busy with one of our two HIDE artists, Nadia Myre, on site working with our staff to install her epic work known as The Scar Project. In 2005 she began hosting workshops in different communities, bringing raw canvases, needles, scissors, yarn and thread, and asking participants to write about a personal scar and use the canvas to depict it.  Years later she has amassed over 500 canvases and stories, and this will be her largest installation of the collected works yet with about 240 hanging on the wall. She worked for 3 days last week to arrange the canvases, looking at commonalities in their imagery. Even though we'll have a book with all the corresponding stories, it was fascinating to spend time with her and the work, since she knows so much about the hidden stories and people behind them.

Another Artist who’s work I looked up was Jo Spence – the mutilation of breast cancer.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Reflection Memory Eadweard Muybridge

The works of artist Eadweard Muybridge was some of the first to pioneer the still frame animation using photography.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Reflection Memory Penny Slinger

Another Artist who's work I have studied was Penny Slinger, particularly her "An Exorcism Revisited"


I found her photography to be bizarre, creative and visually striking. I'm curious to emulate her style in my works.

Reflection Memory August Sander

For our course in Reflection I am assigned to research and present my proposal of a film centered on the theme of Memory.

One of the artist I've looked up was photographer August Sander who would define the subject of his portraits by their occupation.


August Sander took well framed portraits of people. Admittedly I found that the placement of the subject front and centre in these photos to be a bit posed, nevertheless I found the photos well crafted and it gets the message across.