Monday, 24 February 2014

Atmospheric sounds for Tori's film idea

For the memory project film our groups are going to film Tori's idea involving a scarf.

As part of the group I've been tasked to look up atmospheric sound effects and tutorials of how to create them.

The atmospheric sound effects would convey the feeling of a nightmare, I pictured soemthing similar to the video from the japanese film Ringu and its american remake.

Other sound examples that I found relevant included.

Atmospheric sound scape

Robert Christopher Haunted Sky

Kevin Macleod Gathering Darkness

I looked up a video about the making of the soundtrack of Alien Resurrection.

In the video they demonstrated experimental techniques on certain instruments such as rub rods and using a super ball on a gong.

Other examples of these techniques can be viewed in these videos.

Circus World Novelty Instrument: Rubbed Rods

Working with Gongs #3: Superball Friction Mallets/Flumi

I've also found a video of filmmaker Robert Rodriguez giving tutorial on protools and sound mixing.

Inside Troublemaker Studios

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