Tuesday 11 February 2014

Idea's I've considered for Memory

Memory is a vital part of our existence, memories enable us to be constantly aware of actions and future decisions, to reflect on experiences in the past and to be prepared for the future i.e. enacting the choices that lead to positive outcomes or to avoid repeating mistakes. It is the interminable process of the collective consciousness.
I’ve considered a variety of possible venues to take my film relating to the subject of memory. I want to engage the viewer with a mysterious yet forebodingly sinister environment, a dream like quality and moody atmosphere.
One idea I have is of an elderly man a trapped in a misty void, he sees some old picture frames of photos with family and friends all around him, their turning faded and distorted, the elderly man tries to best to gather the picture frames but the incinerate into heaps of ash and blow away in the wind, he then wonders around aimlessly lost and trying to find his way back, this reflects that with age comes the inevitable loss of memory.

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